Posture Balance for You
Jul 01, 2020 08:54PM ● By Makiko Oka-Castro
Posture is the voice of your body-mind-soul. Paying attention to your posture guides you to a better life. Even when your eyes and ears are blocked by external images and noises, or by preconceived notions and past habits, your posture speaks to you from within.
Your posture reflects your nature. It’s what allows your inner self to remain peaceful and content. It’s the communication link that joins the physical, mental and spiritual parts of your being. When one part is in conflict with another part, the related tension is reflected in your posture. This conflict can interfere with other physiological functions, such as circulation, hormones, breathing, electrical impulses and neurons, as well as psychological and emotional well-being. The result is that you become unwell.
Therefore, it’s important to learn how posture is a way to listen to and learn from your “self’s” messages. As you gain a better understanding of it, you will become much closer to your self. Knowing what you want and need in your daily life is equal to having true confidence and gaining clarity of your self for your better future.
On our Mother Earth, gravity is the only law that we can never change. Everything else in our lives—including personal satisfaction, good health and a positive attitude—comes from within. So reach in and allow your better self to surface. Then posture balance can guide and measure how you express your body=mind=soul in daily life.
It may not be easy, and it may not be obvious right away—especially given the new or increased disturbances and distractions of the current COVID environment. But this is even more reason to pay attention to your posture balance.

Makiko Oka-Castro is the founder of Natural Healing Artists, located at 32 Union Square E., Ste. 912, New York City. For more information, email [email protected] or visit and their online supplement store, GutForLife.US.