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Natural Awakenings Hudson County NJ

Womens Wellness Issue

Earth Day felt good after few years of lull. We have community events the region, and importantly, the schools were talking and encouraging kids to adapt to Earth-friendly lifestyle like planting a tree, composting, etc.

We always have seen women contributing more to the community, and over the last few decades they have taken a leap in converting their ideas into successful local and global businesses. We recognized these exemplary contributors to local communities by conducting a quick poll of our readers online. To our surprise, the response was many times more than were anticipating. We will be doing this on annual basis to identify the best of Northern New Jersey women every year and share the results during Woman Wellness month. These are truly the wonder women of our community!!!

Following a similar path, we will do Best of Northern New Jersey Men in June, so be on the lookout to nominate and vote for your favorites in coming weeks.

Our May issue brings a host of well-rounded content for your health with holistic tips for solving stress and daily routines for skin health. As we learn about microplastics, we have a suggestions on limiting the exposure, specially to kids. We also have Earth-friendly delights for moms and messages of blessings for new mothers.

Natural Awakenings of North Jersey is your all-season health and wellness resource for body, mind and soul—the physical body and inner, spiritual, well-being. Like us on Facebook and Instagram. Find even more great information in our online edition at

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!

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