Starseeds in Our Midst

The star people, or Starseeds, are intergalactic beings that come in human form from other star systems and planets as new energy children and adults. These awakened souls have come to Earth to help us through these taxing times. There have been waves of such beings born on Earth for many decades, especially since the turn of the century; they are the bearers of light.
Children born as Starseeds are quite aware of the role they will play of holding vibrations in a way that supports growth for all humanity through all dimensions to release old paradigms and ethereal awareness of our true self of infinite potential and power within. Earthlings have been conditioned to believe we are weak or insufficient, which has mostly induced a mindset of lack and limitations for centuries. These children come honoring their soul contract to serve humanity and uplift them to the highest potential of a self-reliant and abundant mindset.
As with Ang and his friends in the animated film Avatar, these interdimensional-savvy Starseeds have a very high intelligence of heart space, as well as headspace, with the highest compassion and love. They have had these highest cosmic powers since birth, and their character and abilities, include the traits of characters from their planet of origin. That is why adapting to the Earth’s environment can be difficult, because of the adjustment to the higher-density environment.
It can be challenging for them to adapt to Earthian environments with finite and limited mindsets. They would thrive and flourish with ease in their soul mission if the resistance against their journey were instead supplanted by support. However averse they might seem to the task, their contribution to transmuting Mother Earth to her original higher self is imminent. Children who are not supported in their mission turn toward outward validation, which leads to dependency on substance abuse and an addictive mindset. Once we generously and lovingly open our hearts to this new awareness to merge with us with love and grace, the transition for all will be very easy.
Humanity is discarding the constraints of limitations and slavery to gain sovereignty and liberation. Our moral responsibility is to accept and allow old paradigms of dogmatism to be released and replaced with an open mind and heart space of love, grace and ease.
For more information about Misty Bella, call 908-228-1101 or email [email protected].