20 Years of Illumination Beginning Now

There is still time to create a magnificent 2024. Start with lessons from feng shui, tapping into the wisdom following the Chinese astrology calendar. There are two dates of significance. First, the energy of the year changes on February 4, “early spring”. In addition to the energy of the wood dragon, we are beginning a new 20 year feng shui cycle.
The wood dragons are confident, smart enterprising strong leaders with a wicked sense of humor. They can be egotistical and eccentric, demanding the same high standards from others that they hold for themselves. The wood dragon of 2024 is even more adventurous and thrives on action ready to explore new ideas. The energy of this wood dragon is the fuel for the beginning of a new, 20-year 9 Fire feng shui cycle (wood feeds fire). The influence of this wood dragon offers the potential for success and growth by acting on new ideas.
This new cycle brings the fire element, and the quality of fire shines a light for all to be revealed. Fire ignites passion, enlightenment, transformation and fun. As the light of the fire shines bright, there are lots of opportunities for recognition and enhancing our reputation. Fire is spontaneous, so let go of holding on to unnecessary feelings and stuff to enjoy the fun in all that we do.
If we are ready for a transformation in our lives, this is the year to make it happen. The wood dragon brings fuel to ignite this powerful fire energy. We may find this energy moving fast, attracting us to excitement and ready to explore new things. Fire ignites passion—when passion moves to extreme situations, it can become dramatic and aggressive. With all this firelight, many things will be revealed; no more hiding in the shadows. Stay in integrity and we will benefit greatly.
Lois Kramer-Perez, CHt., is the author of Feng Shui Your Space and Your Soul. She will host a 9 Fire Period & Wood Dragon online class at 11 a.m., Jan. 20. Register at bit.ly/WoodDragonCNYTickets. For more information, call 201-906-5767, email [email protected] or visit LoisKramerPerez.com.