Eight-Class Power Yoga Course Offered in July
Certified yoga teacher Riddhi Kaur will offer an eight-session power yoga course Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., July 6 to 29, at the Journal Square Campus of Hudson County Community College (HCCC), in Jersey City. “This class is perfect for beginners who are just getting into the practice and also for those looking for strength practice,” Kaur says.
Kaur has practiced yoga for 12 years and teaches Hatha-style yoga. She says this class series is designed to explore the fundamentals of a power yoga practice, which combines an intense strength workout and mindful yoga.
Students will learn proper alignment to create the form of each pose, Kaur says. The workout starts with some light stretches to get students’ bodies ready and ends with cool-down poses. Throughout the class, students will engage their muscles while moving through the flow with their breath. The class will also include guided relaxation to support increased awareness and mindfulness of the breath and body.
Cost: $99. For more information, email Ridhdhi Shah at [email protected] or call 201-360-4224. To learn more about HCCC’s continuing education offerings, visit hccc.edu and type “continuing education” into the search bar.