Hormone-Related Health Issues

Hormones are small molecules that act as messengers to stimulate a response or action in another part of the body. The hypothalamus and pituitary glands are major endocrine glands that produce hormones and regulate other endocrine glands. Scientists have discovered that other organs, including our kidneys and heart, also produce hormones. If the endocrine glands cannot produce the hormones to send the messages, there is a disconnect in our physiological system.
Because hormones move through the blood, the major endocrine glands are associated with neurovascular points that energetically connect the blood and nervous systems. The most important aspect of the endocrine system is the communication between other endocrine glands and organs, especially the major endocrine glands, hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands.
As energy is the basis of every physiological issue, the same is true with the endocrine system and the production of hormones. There are energy tests available that show the energetic imbalance in the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, adrenals, and thyroid that interferes with the production of hormones. There are simple energy corrections to get the endocrine glands and other tissues energized, or back online, to produce the messenger molecules that relay specific messages to the other endocrine glands and organs.
It may be surprising that a number of meridians play a role in hormonal issues: spleen, kidney, bladder, liver, small intestine, stomach, and heart. For example, if the kidney meridian is depleted or deficient in energy, it not only affects the kidney organs, but also hormone-related issues such as emotional upset, hot flashes, infertility, impotence, low back pain, menstruation, osteoporosis, sexual disinterest, memory issues, miscarriage, pain in ovaries and prostate issues. Energy imbalances in the spleen meridian affect menopause, inflammation, metabolism disorders, autoimmunity, PMS, reproductive problems, sugar imbalances, sexual dysfunction, thyroid problems, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, low progesterone, cold hands or feet and enlarged waist or swollen belly.
Additionally, deep energy balancing of the liver and spleen meridians also improves hormonal issues and the body’s ability to adapt and be resilient to life. This helps the body process foods, vitamins, medication and hormones. Balanced liver and spleen meridians help with waste elimination.
Another significant endocrine gland, the adrenals, sit on top of the kidney organs and help facilitate fluid regulation with the kidneys. The adrenal gland’s primary function is to release stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. Thus, restoring energy flow to the adrenal glands aids the body with stress and menopause. When the ovaries stop producing estrogen, the adrenals start making estrogen. Two disease states related to depleted energy in the adrenal glands include adrenal fatigue and adrenal burnout. Both can have serious health consequences, including heart attacks or congestive heart failure. Addison’s disease, associated with extremely low adrenal activity, and Cushing’s disease, associated with severe overactivity, are two diseases that can result from adrenal burnout.
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