Food & Nutrition Issue

Just saying, “An appetite does not need any skill …” can easily be misunderstood. In today’s health-conscious environment amid information overload, part of humanity is engaging in very mindful and conscious eating habits.
One positive trend is adopting a balanced, less-processed, low-fat, high-fiber, plant-based diet lifestyle, which has quite a few obvious health benefits. Also, we are not hurting living animals to feed our consumption. “Veggies for the Win” gives some good reasons and ways to go about it.
I have also seen people ordering food at the restaurant and only eating 30 percent to 60 percent, wasting the rest. This has multiple of impacts because we are straining Earth’s resources to produce food. Waste is waste even though we can “afford” to waste. The discarded food rots in landfills and produces methane, which has four times the adverse impact of the CO2 emitted by cars, etc.
I recommend reading “Loving Our Kidneys” because it has lots of information for long-term health consideration. The article mentions specific conditions and taking a holistic approach toward them, but the suggested lifestyle choices can be preventive, too.
“Finding Hope in Action” advocates for taking small steps toward the larger cause of saving the Earth and preserving its key resource, water. There are many ways that our small actions today will pay it forward to future generations.
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