Jun 30, 2021 09:30AM
Sidestepping an argument or resolving it on the same day pays off quickly by halving the reactivity level that day and often erasing any darkened emotional response the following day.
A Harvard study finds that spanking alters children’s brain development.
Gulping down too much water has been linked to painful, involuntary muscle cramps experienced by athletes, but an oral hydration solution with electrolytes can help.
Physical activity during leisure time benefits our heart and longevity, but high workout levels on the job may actually hamper our health, report researchers.
Researchers are using recycled rock dust to enrich farm and rangeland soils to accelerate the processes by which soils capture atmospheric carbon.
Hayek Hospital, in suburban Beirut, Lebanon, launched a 100 percent plant-based menu in March as a “moral responsibility”.
The agriculture startup Plenty Unlimited Inc. is building an indoor vertical farm in Compton to provide jobs and fresh produce to the historical “food desert” and surrounding areas.
The success of electric vehicle models, along with a plan to stop selling new internal combustion cars by 2035 in California, have propelled the transition from fossil-fuel-powered vehicles.
Las Vegas-area water officials hope to impose a policy banning grass on “nonfunctional turf” that no one walks on in such places as highway medians, housing developments and office parks.
The unswerving presentation of nature as an untouched wilderness in nature documentaries misleads viewers into thinking that an abundance of these areas currently remains.
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