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Asbestos in Cosmetics

asbestos is dangerous

carterdayne from Getty Images Signature/DAPA Images/CanvaPro

Talc is used in many forms of makeup, including bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, foundation, mascara, lipstick and dry shampoo, because it absorbs moisture and prevents caking. But when it is mined, talc may be contaminated by naturally occurring asbestos, which is not evenly distributed, making testing for it difficult. 

British women have sued leading cosmetic companies in U.S. courts claiming they contracted mesothelioma, an incurable cancer of the lining of the lung, heart or stomach, through their use of cosmetic products. Unless related to employment, it is difficult to bring legal action for mesothelioma in the UK, and many of the large cosmetic companies are based in America. These women are seeking compensation and to raise awareness of the risks. 

Johnson and Johnson (J&J) faces nearly 54,000 lawsuits related to claims that talc in baby powder caused ovarian cancer. A Reuters investigation found that J&J executives knew for decades that talc can contain asbestos.

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