Lotus Genesis Welcomes Dr. Ben Sarlin

A Traditional and Naturopathic Doctor All In One
Dr. Ben Sarlin, a traditional and naturopathic doctor, has joined the staff of Lotus Genesis. He is able to bridge the gap between the traditional and the holistic. He can work with patients’ current doctors; he speaks their language, is embedded in the medical community and can get referrals so insurance will cover treatment.
Sarlin received his medical degree from Xavier University and a Masters in Nutrition from Columbia University. He is the author of Everything They Don’t Teach at Harvard Medical School, A Diet for a Little Planet.
His areas of specialty in nutrition include obesity, heart disease, cancer, Crohns disease, addiction and sleep disorders. He is an expert herbalist in Western and ayurvedic herbs, and offers the Emotional Freedom Technique and 12-step programs as part of his addiction and recovery programs in support of nutritional therapies.
Location: 7000 JFK Blvd. E., Ste. M-15, Guttenberg, NJ. For more information, call 201-210-4764 or visit LotusGenesisWellnessCenter.com.